Things went a little pear shaped after that. I got a flat tyre. No problem, out with the jack but where’s the wheel brace? No where to be seen, nor were there likely to be any cars around this part of the world for the rest of today, nor maybe tomorrow or the next day? I had passed a house about 5 km back but there may not have been anyone there. No mobile phone reception. So head off in to the hills to the west, maybe some altitude might get me contact with the outside world. After several hills and about about 4 km of walking I decided to head back to the car, too late to walk the 25km to the nearest town, 8km is enough this late in the day. Fortunately I had warm clothes with me, and there was an old canvas in the back of the truck and a plastic tarpaulin. I needed all of these to stay warm in the car overnight, plus gloves, beanie and plastic rain coat. I did actually manage to get some sleep during the following 12 hours I spent in the front seat.
First thing in the morning I headed on foot off before the sun was up, when it was just light enough to see the track ahead. I had some food, water and rain gear. I headed off with some trepidation up into the Bald Hills to the west, it was quite hilly country but the weather was perfect for walking, cool but sunny. After a 20km walk I eventually came across a couple of farmers who were able to help me out. I returned home tired, wiser and probably a couple of kg lighter than planned. That was week ago and I still haven’t been able to find the wheel brace anywhere, nevertheless I got to see some great emus.